Summer Journal Prompts for Kids (+ Free Printable)

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Summer is here! The sun is shining, the days are longer, and there’s plenty of time for kids to explore, play, and learn. But how can you make the most of this season with your little ones? One great way is through journaling—a fun, educational activity that can keep their minds active and engaged. But let’s face it, sometimes coming up with writing prompts can be a challenge. That’s why I’ve put together this list of summer journal prompts for kids, along with a free printable to make journaling even more fun and accessible.

summer journal prompts and printables

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Why Journaling is Beneficial for Kids

Before we dive into the prompts themselves, let’s take a moment to explore why journaling is such an important summer activity for kids.

Cognitive Benefits

Journaling helps kids improve their writing skills, vocabulary, and comprehension. It also enhances their ability to organize thoughts and structure narratives, which are crucial skills in academic settings.

Emotional Benefits

For many kids, journaling serves as an emotional outlet. It allows them to express feelings they might not be comfortable sharing aloud. This can help them manage stress, build emotional intelligence, and develop a greater sense of self-awareness.

Creative Benefits

When kids journal, they explore their creativity. Whether they’re writing imaginative stories, drawing pictures, or jotting down dreams, journaling fosters creative thinking. It encourages them to think outside the box and develop unique ideas.

Research supports these benefits. Studies have shown that journaling can improve mental health, enhance problem-solving skills, and even boost academic performance. Anecdotes from parents and teachers further highlight how transformative this simple activity can be.

Summer Journal Prompts for Kids

Ready to get started? Here are some engaging journal prompts that will inspire your kids to write, draw, and think creatively this summer. We’ve divided them into categories to keep things exciting.

Nature Prompts

  1. Describe the most beautiful place you’ve visited this summer.
  2. Write a story about an adventure in the forest.
  3. Draw and write different types of flowers or trees you’ve seen.

Nature prompts encourage kids to observe their surroundings and appreciate the beauty of the natural world. They can also learn new vocabulary and facts about plants and animals.

Imagination Prompts

  1. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
  2. Write a letter to a character from your favorite book.
  3. Invent a new summer game and explain how to play it.

Imagination prompts stimulate creative thinking and storytelling. They allow kids to explore new ideas and develop their unique voices.

Daily Reflections

  1. What was the best part of your day today?
  2. Write about something new you did this week.
  3. Describe a time when you felt proud of yourself.

Reflection prompts help kids practice mindfulness and gratitude. They encourage them to think about their experiences and emotions, fostering a sense of self-awareness.

Summer Adventures

  1. Pretend you are on a deserted island – what would you do to survive?
  2. Write about your dream vacation destination.
  3. Describe a memorable outdoor activity you did this summer.

Summer adventure prompts inspire kids to think beyond their daily routines and imagine exciting scenarios. They can also serve as writing exercises that develop descriptive language skills.

Personal Growth

  1. What is something new you want to try this summer?
  2. Write a letter to your future self 10 years from now.
  3. List five things that make you happy and why.

Prompts centered around personal growth encourage kids to reflect on their goals and values. They can also help them develop a growth mindset and build self-confidence.

How to Use the Journal Prompts

Introducing journaling to your kids can be simple and fun. Here are some tips to get you started:

Make it Fun

Present journaling as an exciting activity rather than a chore. Use colorful pens, stickers, and fun notebooks to make the experience appealing.

Create your own DIY summer binder with your children to add their journaling pages to and make the experience even more personalized.

Set a Routine

Incorporate journaling into your daily summer routine. Set aside a specific time each day, whether it’s in the morning after breakfast or in the evening before bed.

Make it a family activity and have everyone sit down to write together. This not only creates a sense of accountability but also shows your child that you value the activity.

Encourage Creativity

Encourage your kids to be creative with their journals. They can write, draw, paste photos, or even create collages. The more freedom they have, the more they’ll enjoy the process.

Be Supportive

Praise their efforts and show interest in what they’ve created. Ask questions about their entries and engage in conversations about their thoughts and feelings.

Free Printable Summer Journal

To make things even easier and fun, I’ve created two free printable Summer Journals for your children to use with their prompts.

This first journal is a “Draw and Write” Journal for smaller children and comes with a cover that can be personalized and colored. Each page includes an area to write the day and a picture can then be drawn.

draw and write journal

The second journal is perfect for older children and comes with a cover that can also be personalized. Each page has a summer themed image and includes lined writing space to respond.

summer journal printable

Both journals include the writing prompts as well as some tips for using them.

Click the buttons below to download the free printable journals for personal and classroom use.

How to use these printable journals:

  1. Download and print the journal of your choice from below.
  2. Use a summer notebook or binder to hold the printed pages.
  3. Encourage your children to decorate the cover and make it their own.
  4. Set a specific time each day for them to work on their journal entries.
  5. Provide writing utensils, markers, crayons, or any other materials they may want to use.
  6. Have fun and be creative with the prompts!
  7. Use these journals as an opportunity for family bonding by sharing your own responses and discussing them together.

Looking for more Summer Activities to Pair With Journaling?

Summer reading is also a great way to keep your child’s mind active and engaged during the break. It may also help improve their journal writing skills and inspire their own creative storytelling. Encourage your child to read books that align with their summer journal prompts or choose books based on a theme they are interested in.

Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

For older children

For smaller children

In addition to reading, there are many other summer activities that can be paired with journaling such as:

  • Nature walks and outdoor exploration: Have your child write about their observations and discoveries in their journal.
  • Summer camps or classes: Encourage your child to reflect on their experiences and new skills learned in their journal.
  • Family vacations or trips: Have them document the highlights of their trip through writing and drawing pictures in their journal.
  • Arts and crafts projects: Your child can use their journal to plan out ideas and track progress for their projects.
  • Volunteer work or community service: Encourage your child to write about their experiences and the impact they made in their community.


Remember, summer journaling should be a fun and relaxed activity for your child. Don’t put too much pressure on them to write perfectly or consistently. Let them explore their thoughts and creativity freely, and most importantly, have fun together as a family!

Summer journaling offers a world of benefits for kids. Not only does it help them develop important skills, but it also allows them to express themselves and reflect on their experiences. So this summer, encourage your kids to pick up a pen and journal their way through the season. Who knows, they might just discover something new about themselves in the process! Happy journaling! 📝✨

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