How Sleeping Helps You Manage Stress Levels

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Stress is perhaps one of the most underrated problems in today’s society. So many people are worried about various things in life, causing stress that affects them in a variety of negative ways. Yet despite how prevalent it is, so many people just ignore the fact that they’re stressed. They don’t acknowledge it, but it can end up taking over their life and causing more issues than they expect.

It could be financial issues, problems with family, issues with friends, or even just negative thoughts. No matter what we go through in life, we’re almost guaranteed to eventually face some bad situations that could render us completely hopeless. Yet despite that, we have to do things in order to maintain those stress levels so we can continue pushing forward.

And one of the best ways to help us manage our stress levels is to work on our sleep.

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Why is sleep an effective way to manage stress?

A good night’s rest is vital to help our body reset. When we rest well, our body will naturally reduce cortisol and other stress hormones. This is shown in how well-rested people tend to react more calmly to bad situations. They often make better decisions throughout the day, and they’re also less irritated. So not only is this a scientifically proven fact, but it’s also backed up by a lot of data.

According to the American Psychological Association, adults who sleep fewer than eight hours a night have higher stress levels than those who sleep at least eight hours a night. In general, adults that sleep more tend to have lower stress levels. However, it’s worth mentioning that intense levels of stress can lead you to sleep more as a result of fatigue. If the stress changes into a mood disorder such as depression, then it could make you feel like you’re bedbound as well.

So while there is definitely a correlation between your stress and sleep, it’s hard to judge on a surface level. We highly recommend speaking to your family doctor if you feel like your stress is making it hard for you to carry out daily activities.

How to get a better night’s sleep

So now we know that sleep is a good way to manage stress, how do we sleep more or get a better night’s rest?

#1 Visit a Sleep Clinic

If you feel like your lack of sleep is a recurring issue, then visiting a clinic like Sleep Medicine can be a great idea to diagnose potential sleep disorders. They can help with issues like sleep apnea, snoring, and other similar conditions.

#2 Sleeping Medication

In some cases, you might have success with sleeping medication. This can be a good option as long as you don’t rely on it every night. If you feel like you have to take medication to sleep on a regular basis, then it’s best to seek professional help because you may be developing a sleep disorder.

#3 Exercise

Exercising regularly helps you to get a better night’s sleep, as it tires your body out and makes it easier for you to relax. Not only that, but working out often has long-term effects on stress levels and mental health. Just make sure not to work out near bedtime, as the adrenaline can prevent you from sleeping.

#4 Disconnect

One thing that many of us overlook is the amount of time we spend looking at our phones or laptops before going to bed. The blue light can keep you awake for longer, and it’s hard to relax when your mind is thinking about work emails or Instagram posts. So try putting away your phone and laptop an hour before you go to bed, and focus on reading a book or listening to calming music instead.

#5 Have a Wind-down Routine

Having a wind-down routine is great for preparing your body and mind for sleep. This could be taking a warm bath, doing some light yoga poses, listening to some calming music, writing in your journal about the day’s events or thoughts, etc. Doing something that relaxes you and helps you to clear your head is key to getting a good night’s rest.

#6 Eat Healthily

Eating healthy food is an important part of managing stress and sleeping better. When it comes to eating before bedtime, try not to eat anything heavy or sugary. Instead, opt for something light and healthy like a piece of fruit or some yogurt. It’s also important to stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking enough water, as this helps to keep your body functioning properly.

#7 Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment

Making sure that you have a comfortable and inviting sleep environment is key to getting a good night’s rest. This could mean investing in some blackout curtains or an eye mask, having comfortable pillow and mattress, using calming scents like lavender essential oil, and keeping the temperature cool. Additionally, make sure that your room is as quiet as possible by using earplugs or white noise if necessary.

#8 Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol

Caffeine can have a big impact on your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. Therefore, it’s best to avoid coffee, tea, energy drinks etc. as close to bedtime as possible. Additionally, drinking alcohol before bed may make you feel sleepy, but it affects the quality of your sleep. So while drinking alcohol in moderation may be okay, it’s best to not have too much before bed.

In general, it’s a good idea to establish some kind of sleeping routine. This will help your body wind down and relax when it’s time to go to bed, and you’ll fall asleep surprisingly quickly and comfortably. You should also aim to create a comfortable sleeping environment, whether that means adding a few extra pillows or lowering the temperature of your room so you can sleep more easily. Additionally, you should avoid drinking caffeine and alcohol close to bedtime, as these beverages can have a big impact on how well you sleep. With these tips, you can get the restful night’s sleep your body needs to stay healthy and energized.

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