Free Printable Valentine’s Day Bucket List

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Valentine’s Day is one of the most popular days for couples to show their love and affection. It’s often filled with romantic dinners, special gifts, and surprise getaways. But if you’re looking for something different this season then consider making up your own bucket list that has to do with celebrating Valentine’s Day! Scroll down to get a Free Printable Valentine’s Bucket list to use this holiday season.

What is a printable bucket list?

A printable bucket list is a list of things that you want to accomplish within a certain time frame. You can make your own or you can get one from someone else. Depending on the amount of time you have, it might be helpful to give yourself a few weeks or even months to complete each item on the list.

How to make a Valentine’s Day bucket list?

To make Valentine’s Day bucket list, start by making a list of everything you want to do on or around Valentine’s Day. Write down the real things that you want to accomplish for this special day with your loved one.

Things to include on your list

Although there are just so many things to do for Valentine’s Day, what you include on your bucket list is simply up to you. Here is a list of a few items you can include if you are looking for some ideas:

For Adults

  • Make your own gift.
  • Go back to the first date of your relationship (first restaurant, store, movie, etc.)
  • Have a picnic in the park or on your living room floor.
  • Write a love letter to each other and deliver it in a creative way or just find a private time to read it out loud to each other.
  • Host a dinner party for your closest friends and enjoy a great meal and fantastic conversation while you listen to their love stories.
  • Enjoy a romantic dinner at home with your significant other, just the two of you.
  • Have dinner at your favorite restaurant.
  • Have Breakfast in Bed.
  • Stay Up All Night.

For Kids

  • Make Valentines treats.
  • Make homemade cards for friends and family.
  • Go buy a new stuffed animal and create some special memories with it.
  • Handout kindness hearts.

For Families

  • Have a special dinner together.
  • Decorate cookies together.
  • Color Valentines Day coloring pages.
  • Start an annual Valentine’s Day activity or event. For example, make homemade heart-shaped pizzas and eat them while watching your favorite love movie.
  • Take a family photo where everyone is wearing red, pink, or heart-shaped sunglasses.
  • Create delicious Valentine’s Day-themed snacks together.

Free Bucket List

A bucket list is a fun way to celebrate Valentine’s Day because it could be full of romantic or just plain silly things that you want to do. You can come up with the activities on your own, or you can print out a list from someone else online. I made this Free Printable Valentine’s Bucket List for you to use. Click the image below to download (for personal use only).


One common thread among bucket list activities is the fact that you are spending quality time with your significant other. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t include friends or family members if you want, but don’t forget it is really all about the two of you connecting over something special for Valentine’s Day. Put together a fun bucket list of things to do and check them off throughout February!

Want to remember this? Pin it to save it for later.

What are some things that you’d like to do on your bucket list? Put the link in the comment section! Enjoy!

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