Fun Printable Kindness Activities for Elementary Students

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Kindness is an essential value that every child should learn to cultivate at a young age. While parents play a crucial role in instilling a sense of kindness in their children, teachers can also help reinforce this value by incorporating kindness activities in the classroom. These activities not only promote positive social interactions but also help students develop empathy and compassion toward others. In this blog post, we’ll be discussing some printable kindness activities that can be used in elementary classrooms.

Kindness Bingo

Bingo is a fun game that most students enjoy playing. With Kindness Bingo, teachers can create a bingo board with different acts of kindness. Students can cross off a square once they have performed the act on the square. The objective is for students to fill their entire board with acts of kindness. This activity can be done individually, in pairs, or groups.

This free printable random acts of kindness bingo from Learn In Color is a great resource for teachers. It includes 25 different bingo spaces with random acts of kindness such as โ€œWrite a thank you noteโ€, โ€œCompliment someone todayโ€, and โ€œHelp clean up the classroomโ€.

Kindness Journal

Another great way to promote kindness in the classroom is by having students keep a Kindness Journal. With this activity, students can write down any positive thoughts or experiences they have had throughout the day. Students can also jot down compliments that they received from others and share them with their classmates. This activity helps foster an environment of positivity and appreciation in the classroom.

I love this free printable journal from Slightly Sorted. It includes writing prompts and spaces for children to write and draw.

Kindness Coloring Pages

Coloring pages are a great way for students to express themselves creatively. Teachers can print out kindness-themed coloring pages or have students create their own. Students can use different colors and patterns to represent acts of kindness they’ve done or hope to do in the future.

These coloring pages from rock painting guide are a fun way for students to show kindness in the classroom. The 20 different designs and the different difficulty levels make these pages great for any age.

Kindness Scavenger Hunt

This activity is similar to Kindness Bingo but instead of crossing off squares students must search for items or do a deed that promotes kindness. For example, they can look for recyclable items to throw away, write encouraging notes to their classmates or tidy up the classroom without being asked. This activity encourages active participation and allows students to practice random acts of kindness.

This free printable from Kiddie Matters is great for younger kids. Each item on the list can be checked off when completed. This is a great way to help kids learn more about the concept of kindness while motivating them to complete the task.

Kindness Coloring Bookmarks

Bookmarks are a great way for students to make use of their creativity while also promoting kindness. Teachers can provide printable bookmark templates that students can color, draw and write on. Students can design bookmarks with inspiring quotes or images that remind them to be kind to others. They could even include encouraging words that others can see when they use the bookmark. These can be handed out to classmates or placed in library books for others to enjoy.

These free kindness coloring bookmarks from Crafternoon playdate are not only cute but they make a great school activity activity.

Random Acts of Kindness Cards

This is a great way for students to show appreciation and kindness towards their peers. Teachers can have students create cards with random acts of kindness that will be handed out. This could include things such as offering a shoulder massage, cleaning up someoneโ€™s desk or even baking cookies for the class. The cards can be given out randomly or on special occasions such as birthdays and holidays.

I thought these kindness cards from play party plan were so cute and Iโ€™m sure the kids will too! This set comes with 24 acts of kindness that you put in a jar for the kids to pick out.

Kindness Calendar

This activity is a great way for students to keep track of their progress in being kind and performing acts of kindness. Teachers can create a calendar that has prompts or challenges for students to complete throughout the month. For example, they could make it a goal to perform an act of kindness each day or commit random acts of kindness on certain days. This helps students stay motivated and encourages them to continue doing kind deeds as the month progresses.

This free calendar from Running Turtles Resources on TPT comes with a 30 day random acts of kindness calendar and a blank calendar and is a great way to introduce the concept of kindness into the classroom.

Kindness Jar

This is a fun way for students to recognize the kindness of their peers. Teachers can have students create a jar with slips of paper that have a random act of kindness written on each one. Students can then take turns picking a slip of paper and performing the kind deed that is written on it. This activity promotes team building and encourages students to think of creative ways to show kindness towards their classmates.

This free kindness jar printable from Natural Beach Living comes with Cute Jar and 14 Random acts. Children can glue their act of kindness to the mason jar after they have completed it. This is a great way to keep track of the acts students have done and recognize their progress.

Random Acts of Kindness Coloring Notes

This activity is a great way for students to spread kindness and show appreciation. Teachers can have students color notes with positive messages that they can share with others. For example, they could write encouraging notes about how someone was kind or helpful to them or draw pictures that show their gratitude. This activity helps students spread positivity and encourages them to think of creative ways to show kindness.

These kindness coloring notes from Teach Beside Me is a great activity for students to learn kindness. With positive messages such as, “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted,” students will be more mindful of the kindness they show to their peers. This activity is also easy to implement and is perfect for classrooms, church youth groups or even just at home.

Kindness Writing Prompt Worksheets

This activity is a great way for students to reflect on their own experiences with kindness and think of ways they can show it to others. Teachers can assign writing prompts such as “Describe a time someone showed you kindness” or “Think of different ways you can show kindness”. This helps students become aware of the impact that random acts of kindness have and encourages them to think of creative ways to spread kindness.

This free set of writing prompt worksheets from Natural Beach are not only cute, but they are also great for helping students practice their writing skills and explore different ways of expressing kindness.

Kindness activities are a great way to promote positivity and empathy in elementary classrooms. These activities not only create a positive learning environment but also help students develop important life skills. By incorporating printable kindness activities in the classroom, teachers can help instill a sense of kindness in their students that will stay with them throughout their lives. Give these activities a try and watch your students grow into kind and compassionate individuals.

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